Thomas Tuchel on Chelsea's loss vs Juventus

“Disappointed. We’re all disappointed. It was the tough game we expected. You have to play with zero mistakes in midfield and take the risks in the right moment. To do this you need to be in rhythm, good decision-making.

"I didn’t feel us fresh  mentally. We were in training yesterday. Today it was not like this. I don’t know why. If you need any proof, look at the two ball losses in the first half and the cheap goal we gave away.”

"It was a shooting problem. If we don’t shoot, they cannot be on target. If you play against a deep block like today, it’s hard to take shots. We found the spaces, it wasn’t easy. We had a lot of shots, but I think there are some chances late in the game where it wouldn’t have been so hard to find the target. I was liking the aggression we had yesterday.

"This game was a bit the same game against Atletico Madrid last season. It’s difficult, but we can do better.”

[ Football.London]

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